Sunday, December 17, 2006


I graduated from Journalism and Mass Communication. When I first majored in the field I wanted to make a difference. So, I set out to become a journalist. Now 7 years later looking around I see how much influence the media has on the world. The influence is positive and negative. Mostly negative I believe.
With the assortment of media through which every single human being on this Earth can somehow get their message through, so many different ideas emmerge. That is a good thing.
Meanwhile with so many people telling so many stories, people are always focused on everybody else. The media sets standards the world feels it has to live by.
The definition of a democracy. The definition of liberty. The definition of comfortable living.
Whoever is faster and more innovative and appealing wins. Takes over the media.
While that is going on, people forget to look at themselves and bettering themselves from the inside. Each human being has his/her own values if they use those values to better themselves, that is a step to bettering their family.
Each family has its own values. If they use these values to better themselves from within that is a step to bettering their community.
Each community has its own values. If they use these values to better themselves from within that is a step to bettering their country.
Each country has its own cultural values. If it sticks to those values working within that context to better themselves that would make a world of a difference.
If we look onto someone elses values to better ourselves it just won't work.

The media are influential. Very influential. We just shouldn't let the media make us blind to ourselves.

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